Recertification requirements for doctors practising in both the General and a vocational scope

If you are registered and practising in both the General and a vocational scope of practice, you need to meet recertification requirements in both scopes of practice.

Recertification requirements

  • Vocational scope – you must participate in the accredited provider’s recertification programme.
  • General scope – you must either participate in an approved vocational training programme related to your other area of medicine, or be in a collegial relationship for the practice you do in this scope.

For example, if you are registered and practising in the vocational scope of general practice and you also practise internal medicine at the local hospital (under your General scope), you should participate in the RNZCGP recertification programme, and either be enrolled in the RACP’s internal medicine training programme, or be in a collegial relationship with a doctor who holds vocational registration in internal medicine.